Meet The Team

Danny – Director Of G&G Animals

Many people know Danny for his fun out going humor. He has always loved animals and has been working with them since his first job back in in 2003

Jordyn – Director of Enrichment

Jordyn started working at G&G Animals as an intern. She then committed to our apprenticeship program where she did over a 1000 hours of work. She graduated from SUNY Oswego with a zoology degree. Between working here and working at another zoological facility, there is no question to her commitment with the animals. She is in charge of helping with animal programs and creating a enrichment program and for day to day care.

Emily – Apprentice

Emily has been a huge help over the year and when Staff can’t make it in she is alway there to help. She is an amazing dog trainner and just over all huge help.

Each semester we run internships and we rely very heavy on them as they are a huge part of our staff. If you are interested in doing an Internship you can learn more  here: