Meet The Animals


All Animals with this symbol *🎉* will be with us at the fair from August 23rd to September 2nd!

Mountain coati

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name: Nasuella olivacea

Native Location: South America

Diet: Insects and Fruit


North African Hedgehog

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name: Atelerix algirus

Native Location: Northern Coast of Africa

Diet: Omnivore


Utah prairie dog

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name: Cynomys parvidens

Native Location: South Western United States

Diet: Grass Forbs, and Seeds

fennec fox

Represented by:  Finny

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name: Vulpes zerda

Native Location: Northern Africa

Diet: Omnivore


Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name: Potos flavus

Native Location: Central and South America

Diet: Frugivorous

Red Fox

Zoo Location: outside path

Scientific Name: Vulpes vulpes

Native Location: North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Northern Africa

Diet: Omnivore

short-tailed chinchilla

Zoo Location: Trading post

Scientific Name: Chinchilla chinchilla

Native Location: Western South America

Diet: Grasses and Hey


European rabbit

Zoo Location:  Trading post

Scientific Name: Oryctolagus cuniculus

Native Location: Europe and the Northern Coast of Africa

Diet: herbivores


Domestic Pig

Zoo Location: Trading Post/Outside

Scientific Name: Sus scrofa domesticus

Native Location: N/A

Diet: Omnivores

African Crested Porcupine

Zoo Location: Trading Post

Scientific Name: Hystrix cristata

Native Location: Parts of Africa and Italy

Diet: Omnivores


Bennett's wallabies

Zoo Location: Trading Post

Scientific Name: Macropus rufogriseus

Native Location: Australia

Diet: Grasses and Herbs

Patagonian Mara

Zoo Location: Trading Post

Scientific Name: Dolichotis patagonum

Native Location: southern Argentina

Diet: Herbivores


Domestic Goat

Zoo Location: Outside

Scientific Name: Capra hircus

Native Location: N/A

Diet: Grass and Leafs




Ball Python

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name: Python regius

Native Location: Western and Central Africa

Diet: Small mammals and birds


California Kingsnake

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name: Lampropeltis getula californiae

Native Location: South Western United States

Diet: Carnivores


Yellow Anaconda

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name:  Eunectes notaeus

Native Location: Southern South America

Diet: Carnivores


Boa constrictor

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name: Boa constrictor imperator

Native Location: Central and South America

Diet: Carnivores


Corn Snake

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name: Elaphe guttata

Native Location: South East United States

Diet: Carnivores



Green Iguana

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name: Iguana iguana

Native Location: Central America and northern South America

Diet: Herbivores


water monitor

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name: Varanus salvator

Native Location: South-East Asia

Diet: Carnivores

Leopard Gecko

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name:  Eublepharis macularius

Native Location: Asia and the Middle East

Diet: Insectivores


Bearded Dragon

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name: Pogona vitticeps

Native Location: Australia

Diet: Omnivores


Geyr’s Spiny-tailed Lizard

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name: Uromastyx geyri

Native Location: North Africa

Diet: Herbivores


Panther chameleon

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name: Furcifer pardalis

Native Location: Madagascar

Diet: Insectivores


Savannah Monitor

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name:  Varanus exanthematicus

Native Location: Sub-Saharan Africa

Diet: Insectivores


Bluetongue Skink

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name: Tiliqua gigas

Native Location: Australia and New Guinea

Diet: Omnivores

Argentine tegu

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name: Salvator merianae

Native Location: Eastern and Central South America

Diet: Omnivores


Savana Side-neck Turtle

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name: Podocnemis vogli

Native Location: Venezuela and Colombia

Diet: Primarily Herbivores

Map Turtle

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name: Graptemys geographica

Native Location: Eastern North America

Diet: Omnivores

Red-eared Slider

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name:  Trachemys scripta elegans

Native Location: North America

Diet: Omnivores


Snapping Turtle

Zoo Location: Outside Zoo

Scientific Name: Chelydra serpentina

Native Location: Eastern North America

Diet: Omnivores

Yellow-bellied Slider

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name: Trachemys scripta scripta

Native Location: South Eastern North America

Diet: Omnivores

box turtle

Zoo Location: Outside Zoo

Scientific Name:  Terrapene carolina carolina

Native Location: Eastern North America

Diet: Omnivores



African Spurred Tortoise

Zoo Location: Outside

Scientific Name: Geochelone sulcata

Native Location: Northern Africa

Diet: Herbivores


red-footed tortoise

Zoo Location: Outside Zoo

Scientific Name: Chelonoidis carbonarius

Native Location: South America

Diet: Omnivores


Horsfield's tortoise

Zoo Location: Outside Zoo

Scientific Name: Testudo horsfieldii

Native Location: Central Asia

Diet: Herbivores



American alligator

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name: Alligator mississippiensis

Native Location: South Eastern North America

Diet: Carnivores



African Clawed Frog

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name: Xenopus laevis

Native Location: Southern Africa

Diet: Carnivores

American Bullfrog

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name: Lithobates catesbeianus

Native Location: Southern North America

Diet: Carnivores


Zoo Location: Trading Post

Scientific Name: Ambystoma mexicanum

Native Location: Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco

Diet: Carnivores



Madagascar hissing cockroach

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name: Gromphadorhina laevigata

Native Location: Madagascar

Diet: Herbivores


Giant African Millipede

Zoo Location: Inside Zoo

Scientific Name: Archispirostreptus gigas

Native Location: Western Africa

Diet: Detritivores
